The old, walled city is very picturesque.....
.....and the beach in the new part of the city is inviting.........
....the port is busy with container ships and cruise ships coming and going and it provides a good deal of entertainment every day and unfortunately many nights as well. The sounds of civilized industry.....
......and the wakes of inconsiderate sport fishermen made the anchorage less than desirable. Also note the highrise building under construction. The conrete dust from construction settled quickly on every horizontal surface while the rate of growth on the bottom of the boat was accelerated by the nutrient rich, warm, but fouled (toxic?) water in the harbor.
Experiencing the city and its people was worth the trip.
Meeting new friends........
Left to right: the crews of Joule (Peter and Nani), Jupiter's Smile (us), Sea Star (Dan and Cathy), Equinox (Hank and Betsy), Navy Blue (Eddie and Valma), and La Sirena (Mike and Mary).
(pictured-Bryan of Pearl S. Buck and Wim and Annetta of Thetis)
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